Rivers In Demand with the Epicocity Project in China

I've been working with the Epicocity crew the last several months to help create their Rivers in Demand Web Site, for their Kayak television series featuring Environmentally threatened rivers around the world.
As I write this, they are in China preparing their second major river run after just completing over two hundred miles on The Mekong River. I've been able to track their progress and help them keep their site as up-to-date as possible using some pretty cool new technology.

Their site is hosted on Blogger, and uses an interactive Google Map to give their location, which is determined by regular broadcasts from their Spot satellite transceiver. They are also placing Satellite phone calls from the back-country and recording the calls. We've been linking their media up to geographic locations using Google Maps rich editing interface, and they've been able to keep their site updated on an almost daily basis using Blogger's simple posting and labeling interface. We've smoothly adjusted to a major change in plans, and the site seamlessly reflected their transition from the Upper Salween descent they had planned to the Mekong River descent they chose instead when the Tibetan border refused them entrance.
Currently the Epicocity crew is in Lansing, preparing for the next trip down the Great Bend with a group of 28 international scientists, environmentalists and other parties interested in the future of China's challenged rivers.